Prisoners of Pa.’s secret system of indefinite isolation sue for release and damages

The Philadelphia Inquirer, 10/03/23: “The request forms sometimes came in tidy block printing, other times in a desperate scrawl. But the men in solitary confinement in the Security Threat Group Management Unit at the state prison at Fayette, south of Pittsburgh, kept asking the same question: “Why am I here?”

The STGMU, as it’s known in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (DOC), is supposed to house about 40 gang members and others who pose a threat to the prison system.

“I wanted to know why am I going there,” said Kareem Mazyck, 42, who spent two years in the unit that he described as a torture chamber, “and why is it taking so long to get out.”

But the STGMU policies and procedures are confidential, unknown even to those living there.”

Read the rest of the story here.