Aug. 21: YWCA Action Conversation on Race: Prison Abolition

Wednesday, August 21, 2024 | 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Online (Zoom & Facebook Live)

It is widely known that people of color, especially Black Americans, are over-represented within the U.S. prison system. Many people have come to the conclusion that incarceration is not an effective response – to nor a deterrent of – crime. This YWCA Greater Pittsburgh event, part of the Action Conversations on Race monthly series, will examine how prisons perpetuate racial inequities and offer key arguments for prison abolition as a way to make our communities healthier and safer.

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Moderator: Vincent Folkes – Workshop Education Coordinator, Center for Race & Gender Equity, YWCA Greater Pittsburgh


  • Meghsha Sqawsan Barner – Member, Let’s Get Free Women and Trans Prisoner Defense Committee
  • Bethany Hallam – Member, Allegheny County Jail Oversight Board
  • Tanisha Long – Community Organizer, Abolitionist Law Center
  • Muhammad Nasir (MAN-E) – Civic Engagement, Advocacy, and Policy Coordinator, 1Hood Media & Founder, Community Care and Resistance in Pittsburgh