Heriberto Pagan
September 12, 2024
In 1996, Heriberto Pagan came to PA from Puerto Rico at age 20. He didn’t speak English but hoped the move would bring opportunities.
Four months later, he was falsely accused of 2nd-degree murder. Wrongfully convicted, he was sentenced to life without parole – death by incarceration (DBI) – despite never having been in trouble with the law. He has now spent more than half his life in prison.
“Though it hasn’t been easy for my family and I these past 28 years, I’m blessed with unconditional support from friends, family, and those in the community who know my story. They have been there for me, never turning their backs to the injustice I am living, like every other person sentenced to DBI.”
Men like us need unconditional support more than anything. I’m a firm believer that if you work on yourself, you can help others and together make a difference and overall change society’s perspective on the incarcerated. We all deserve a second chance. We’re human beings, remorseful of our past offenses & the pain our crimes caused the victim’s families, our families and society.
Truth is too many people in the world are in pain. Communities suffering and striving to survive while whole families are losing their loved ones to street violence. Young men continue to be incarcerated at alarming rates. I constantly ask myself, how can I help?
My goal is to be a light of hope for those who’ve lost their way. I want to help them fight, and show that true healing can happen as they rebuild their lives and work towards stability. Behind these gates, I’ve witnessed men turn their lives completely around, becoming leaders and assisting others in all aspects of their lives.
Deep down mine is a fighting spirit, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my goals and dreams. Giving back to the community IS that lifelong dream. With God’s help I’ll do whatever it takes to bring that dream to realization.”