Sep. 24: Derek Lee’s 2nd-Degree Case Info Session

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 | 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Zoom (online)

On October 8, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court will hear Derek Lee’s appeal, brought by the Abolitionist Law Center, challenging life-without-parole sentences for 2nd-degree murder. The case argues that condemning someone to die in prison for non-premeditated actions constitutes cruel and unusual punishment and should be deemed unconstitutional.

Most cases like this aren’t accepted by the PA Supreme Court, and their willingness to hear it suggests new interest in re-examining the extreme sentence. In addition, more than 25 amicus briefs were sent to the Supreme Court to support the argument, including ones from the Philly District Attorney’s office, Gov. Josh Shapiro’s office, and a group of survivors who lost loved ones to homicide. So while the argument isn’t new and follows from what people inside prison and supporters have been saying for decades, there’s reason to think that public opinion about life sentences is shifting and the courts are trying to follow suit.

Nothing is guaranteed, though, and there are many possible outcomes for the case. To help explain more about the case and let people ask questions, ALC and some partners will be hosting this webinar. We’ll cover the argument, the possible outcomes, what they might mean for people inside prison, and some next steps.

Family/supporters can register for the webinar at People can also contact John Rowland at or 312-285-9717 with questions.