Mar. 11: Philadelphia Prison Oversight Board Rally

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 |  12:00 p.m.
Philadelphia City Hall (outside): 1 Penn Sq.

After all of our years of work, Philadelphia residents will finally have the opportunity to vote in the May 20, 2025, primary election on a ballot referendum that would create of a jail oversight board for Philadelphia County.

Please join us at this event to hear how the oversight board could help hold the Philadelphia Dept. of Prisons accountable. Invite others who care about addressing horrific problems in the jails, such as:

  • 50+ deaths in the jails over the past couple years,
  • constant medical neglect,
  • unsanitary conditions throughout the jails,
  • locking up drug users they can’t take care of,
  • no out-of-cell time for people,
  • abuse of solitary confinement,
  • and anything else!

For more info, contact